Tuesday, October 31, 2006


What better way to get ready for Nationals than with 45 minutes of suffering above your lactate threshold, otherwise known as Cyclocross. Being off my cross bike for two years, I spent the first lap getting used to the bike, figuring out the lines through the corners and basically sitting in and gauging everyone else. Once we reached the sand pit and some barriers I was able to run around about 4 people which moved me up to third place. As I got more comfortable on the bike, I was able to close the gap on second place and pass her the next time through the sand pit. Her chain went in the spokes right as I passed her but I swear I had nothing to do with it. Not looking back I took off and held onto second place, though I did have some serious chasers.

I was pretty pleased with the result considering my racing these days is geared towards endurance events and it was a good way to open up the legs for Nationals which are 3 days away!


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